Our Fellowship
Ours is a fellowship that began over a century ago, in a beautiful little church located on the corner of Oak Park Avenue and Jackson Boulevard, in Oak Park, Illinois. Today, Parkview Fellowship extends around the world.
Our God is an Awesome God. He opens doors that no man can shut, and shuts doors that no man can open. We are grateful for His faithfulness which allows us to continue to grow, together, in our walks of faith. To God be the Glory!
What we do
We are a community of faith that strives to honor Our God through our words and deeds. We believe God has placed a call upon each and every life. We remain in fellowship in order to encourage and support one another through prayer and collaboration.
We are honored to continue the Parkview tradition of supporting amazing projects and ministries that help meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of communities the world over.
We Praise and Worship
All that we have and are able to do comes as a gift from Our Creator. Therefore, we give Him praise and Worship His mighty name, without ceasing.
Glory to God.
We Pray
Prayer is central to our Spiritual Walk. We recognize that we are human, with limited knowledge, understanding, and ability. We rejoice that we can bring every matter that concerns us to a Loving God, who cares for us. We live our lives courageously, knowing God will answer our prayers perfectly, in His time and according to His will.
Thanks be to God.
We Care
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are commanded to LOVE – to love God and one another. Because He cares for us, we strive to show His Love by caring for others. Ours is a fellowships that cares for the sick, needy, and lost. Although we have limited means and resources, we are rich in hope, faith, and prayer. We invite you to let us know how we might care for you.
Yes, God cares for you!
We Educate
The Bible tells us that WISDOM begins with reverence for the Lord. We believe it is our job to continuously educate ourselves in The Ways of the Lord by focusing upon His timeless wisdom. As we learn and grow, we strive to apply what we learn in our daily lives; and we welcome opportunities to share with others.
Teach us your ways, O God.
Four truths to Keep you in faith
Some days it is difficult to give our best, or live with hope and joy. Trust us; we know. Fortunately, God’s mercies are renewed each morning. So, we have posted four truths to encourage and inspire you along the way. May God’s Gracious Spirit help you to grow in Love and Light today, and everyday.